RE: Apple iPhone 4 8GB

#26 by ColinTheCop , Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:32 am

Some great tables, just a pity I've yet to get the confidence to clear them and land on the downhill.

05 Warrior

Posts: 2.901
Date registered 11.20.2011

RE: Apple iPhone 4 8GB

#27 by TwedL200 , Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:37 pm

just go flat out mate and trust the bike to absorb it. i was in the same boat when i went to morzine, by the end of the week i was popping tail whips lol.

Border Control
2005 4life - Beast. 87,000 miles and still going...
Mods: Snorkel, roll bar and A bar with 6 spotlights, 3" lift, AT tyres
To do: replace sump, extended brake hoses, BJ spacers, decat, de-EGR
More planned but skint!

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Date registered 10.31.2011

RE: Apple iPhone 4 8GB

#28 by ColinTheCop , Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:25 pm

Lemmy, the phone you sold me broke....

Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

Actually, I broke the armoured case last week, I ordered a new one but whilst waiting for it to arrive I've been using the phone without a case.

So sods law kicked in, didn't it....

Can you remind what the warranty terms were....?

05 Warrior

Posts: 2.901
Date registered 11.20.2011

RE: Apple iPhone 4 8GB

#29 by diggermandan , Sat Jun 13, 2015 3:20 pm

Nice work.... how did you do it?

Probably the least effective ever AREA REPRESENTATIVE: South East England
'93 Strada double cab, broken... 5 years off the road, list of things to repair just about getting shorter!
'94 Strada double cab 'parts truck'... too good to break?

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Date registered 01.22.2012

RE: Apple iPhone 4 8GB

#30 by Jon Grimsby , Sat Jun 13, 2015 3:50 pm

How the hell did you break an Otterbox mines been through hell and its still in one piece.

Jon Grimsby
Posts: 2.782
Date registered 10.25.2014

RE: Apple iPhone 4 8GB

#31 by ColinTheCop , Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:01 pm

The corner snapped off when it caught on my trouser pocket... then the edge bit caught on something else and the whole top bit broke off.

05 Warrior

Posts: 2.901
Date registered 11.20.2011


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