Sony remote and box thingy FREE!

#1 by Jon Grimsby , Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:06 pm

I have a remote control for a Sony car stereo model RM-X304 and the box that the front panel goes in, free if its of use to anyone.

Jon Grimsby
Posts: 2.782
Date registered 10.25.2014

RE: Sony remote and box thingy FREE!

#2 by 123hotchef , Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:01 pm

u having a clear out mate


Forum Legend
Posts: 34.244
Date registered 02.15.2012

RE: Sony remote and box thingy FREE!

#3 by Jon Grimsby , Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:03 pm

Quote: 123hotchef wrote in post #2
u having a clear out mate

These where in my old Animal but it did not have a Sony stereo, just thought someone might of had a use.

Jon Grimsby
Posts: 2.782
Date registered 10.25.2014


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